Living Young Circuits

← Back to class schedule This class consists of a 5-7 minute cardio warm up, followed by strength training. Each class will hit every major muscle group at least twice; and ab exercises will complete the workout. Come see your results change in this great class. Results class burns 400-700 calories per class! Instructors Eliz,…


← Back to class schedule This class consists of a 5-7 minute cardio warm up, followed by strength training. Each class will hit every major muscle group at least twice; and ab exercises will complete the workout. Come see your results change in this great class. Results class burns 400-700 calories per class! Instructors Eliz,…


← Back to class schedule This class consists of a 5-7 minute cardio warm up, followed by strength training. Each class will hit every major muscle group at least twice; and ab exercises will complete the workout. Come see your results change in this great class. Results class burns 400-700 calories per class! Instructors Michelle,…

Living Young

← Back to class schedule This class consists of a 5-7 minute cardio warm up, followed by strength training. Each class will hit every major muscle group at least twice; and ab exercises will complete the workout. Come see your results change in this great class. Results class burns 400-700 calories per class! Instructors Eliz,…

Body Goals With Ty

← Back to class schedule This class consists of a 5-7 minute cardio warm up, followed by strength training. Each class will hit every major muscle group at least twice; and ab exercises will complete the workout. Come see your results change in this great class. Results class burns 400-700 calories per class! Instructors Eliz,…